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The outline functionality allows you to quickly jump to a specific timeline item. It's supported on the VERTICAL and VERTICAL_ALTERNATING modes, and when enabled, it displays a button in the top left (or right) corner of the timeline. Clicking on the button opens a popover that allows you to select a specific timeline item.


To use the outline functionality, add the enableOutline prop to your React-Chrono component and set it to true. Here's an example:

import React from "react";
import { Chrono } from "react-chrono";

const events = [
    title: "Event 1",
    cardTitle: "Event 1",
    cardSubtitle: "January 1, 2022",
    title: "Event 2",
    cardTitle: "Event 2",
    cardSubtitle: "February 1, 2022",
    title: "Event 3",
    cardTitle: "Event 3",
    cardSubtitle: "March 1, 2022",

function MyComponent() {
  return <Chrono items={events} mode="VERTICAL" enableOutline />;

export default MyComponent;

In this example, the outline functionality is enabled for a vertical timeline.


It's important to note that the outline functionality is only supported on the vertical and vertical_alternating modes. If you use the enableOutline prop with the horizontal mode, it will be ignored.

Popover menu

When the outline functionality is enabled, a button is displayed in the top left (or right if its flipped) corner of the timeline. Clicking on the button opens a popover menu that allows you to select a specific timeline item. The popover lists all of the timeline items, with the current item highlighted. Clicking on a different item in the popover will scroll the timeline to that item.


The outline functionality is a useful feature that allows users to quickly navigate to specific timeline items.

Released under the MIT License.