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Vertical Modes

Vertical Timeline

In VERTICAL mode, events are displayed in a vertical orientation. Each event is represented by a card that contains a title, subtitle, and content. The cards are stacked on top of each other, with the latest event at the top.


import { Chrono } from 'react-chrono';

const items = [
    title: "January 2022",
    cardTitle: "Event 1",
    cardSubtitle: "Event 1 Subtitle",
    cardDetailedText: "This is the first event on the timeline.",
    title: "February 2022",
    cardTitle: "Event 2",
    cardSubtitle: "Event 2 Subtitle",
    cardDetailedText: "This is the second event on the timeline.",
    title: "March 2022",
    cardTitle: "Event 3",
    cardSubtitle: "Event 3 Subtitle",
    cardDetailedText: "This is the third event on the timeline.",

const VerticalTimeline = () => {
  return (

export default VerticalTimeline;


Vertically Alternating Timeline

In VERTICAL_ALTERNATING mode, events are displayed in a vertical orientation, but with alternating positions. This creates a zigzag pattern that can be visually appealing. Each event is represented by a card that contains a title, subtitle, and content. The cards are stacked on top of each other, with the latest event at the top.


import { Chrono } from "react-chrono";

const items = [
    title: "January 2022",
    cardTitle: "Event 1",
    cardSubtitle: "Event 1 Subtitle",
    cardDetailedText: "This is the first event on the timeline.",
    title: "February 2022",
    cardTitle: "Event 2",
    cardSubtitle: "Event 2 Subtitle",
    cardDetailedText: "This is the second event on the timeline.",
    title: "March 2022",
    cardTitle: "Event 3",
    cardSubtitle: "Event 3 Subtitle",
    cardDetailedText: "This is the third event on the timeline.",

const VerticalAlternatingTimeline = () => {
  return (

export default VerticalAlternatingTimeline;


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